You can see what I received last week HERE.
TOMY (Learning Curve Brands/The First Years)
I originally called their product support line at 1-800-533-6708 and I was given an email address to write to ( The email's subject line should be: Multiple Birth Program and I had to attach copies of the twin's birth certificates. The body of the email should include: Name, Address, and Phone Number. I received 2 sets of sippy cups and two teether rattles. This was a great surprise to receive!
I received some high value coupons for Gerber formula and food. I called 1-800-284-9488 and gave some basic information, including the twins' birthday.
Don't know why this company was on the list, because from what I can tell, they don't make any baby products. I called them anyway, at 1-800-598-1223, and received a coupon booklet in the mail.
Family Fun Magazine
I'm not really sure why I received this magazine, but hey, it's something else I received for free in the mail.
I'll let you know if I receive anything else in the coming weeks!
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