This visit was super-quick. Doc came in and checked the babies. Lauryn, as usual was her happy self.
And Peyton, of course, was not.
Both babies were growing well. One surprise was Peyton's weight. For the first time, he weighs more than Lauryn does! Quite the chunker! He was still sick though and doc agreed that he is much weaker than Lauryn. Poor baby...I have such a soft spot for that boy. When the visit was over, it was selfie time before the babies got their shots. Overall, a very short visit.
Lauryn still has those baby blue eyes! I will miss them when they're gone.
Lauryn Elizabeth
Weight: 14 lb 7 oz (54th percentile) Gained 2 lb 12 oz since their two month appointment!
Height: 23.5" (11th percentile)
Head Circumference: 40 cm (30th percentile)
Peyton James
Weight: 15 lb 7 oz (47th percentile) Gained 4 lbs 5 oz since their two month appointment! Went from the 12th percentile to the 47th percentile since our last visit.
Height: 23.5" (2nd percentile)
Head Circumference: 42.5 cm (74th percentile)
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